Enviromental Geology

The overall aim of this program is to encourage the application of geological knowledge to the development of studies and new methods and technologies designed to the environment control and to the improvement of the quality of life of the population.

Activities have been developed systematically with a focus in to analyzing and mitigating the damage and loss caused by natural hazards (especially desertification, landslides and flooding); in assessing geochemical anomalies existing in bottom sediment, water and soils samples and their potential association with endemic public health problems; and analyzing and attenuating environmental impacts brought about by mining activities, by providing assistance for plans designed to recover areas impacted.

Environmental Geochemistry and Medical Geology

The work in this area is carried out through partnerships and is designed to provide public administrators with the information they need to correlate natural and man-made geochemical anomalies in the physical environment (stream sediment, soil in agricultural areas, drainage and water supplies) with the occurrences of endemic diseases amongst the population. This information provides a solid scientific basis for any measures taken and, more importantly, for the formulation of preventive policies.

The idea is to provide support for public health authorities in issues concerning environmental contamination by heavy metals and chemicals, whether they be natural occurrences or caused by domestic, industrial or agricultural pollution. Additionally, mineral deposits and variations in the ground lithology composition, thereby contributing to studies in mineral prospecting.

Geological Hazard and Natural Disasters

The aim is to identify, characterize and delineate hazard areas for landslides (any large-scale movement of earth), erosion, accumulation of sediments in river beds(?), flooding and desertification. The idea is to provide to govern planning agencies and to organized society a technical, scientific resource able to diagnose and point out the areas of greater natural fragility to impacts caused by human activities and the development environmental hazards.

Environmental Geology Studies

The objective is to characterize the current state of environmental degradation brought about by mining activities and to develop projects to evaluate mining-related impacts. The purpose is to provide to planning and environmental agencies as well as to organized society a set of technical and scientific information able to assist them in adopting preventative actions, mitigation measures and restoration plans for areas impacted by mining.