Studies for the Hydrologic Characterization of Soils

Soil Hydrology is a science that deals with water hydrodynamic processes in soil which maintain vegetal life, river base discharges, aquifer recharge and runoff flow regulation.

In 2010, the CPRM Department of Hydrology started the project Studies for the Hydrologic Characterization of Soils, the objective of which is to stimulate studies and investigation related to Soil Hydrology and contribute to the integration of the projects conducted in CPRM in Groundwater and Surface Hydrology.

The scope of this project is:

  • the characterization of soil hydrophysical properties and evaluation of the methods of determination of soil hydraulic variables;
  • compilation of hydrophysical data from Brazilian and Latin American soils;
  • development of pedotransfer functions of hydraulic properties of Brazilian soil;
  • classification of the pore structure of the soils;
  • mapping of water availability and saturated hydraulic conductivity in the topsoils;
  • soil modeling.

See below a list of work already completed:

Project Summary

Name: Studies for the Hydrologic Characterization of Brazilian Soils.
Scope: national
Type: institutional
Status: ongoing
Duration: continued
Leader: Marta Vasconcelos Ottoni